They often don’t work well. I’ve researched extensively and haven’t been able to verify 784×300. WebRankInfo : la plus grande communauté francophone du référencement, Créateur de WebRankInfo,consultant en référencement, Qu’il s’agisse de la photo de profil, de l’image de couverture ou de toutes les autres images, vous devez constamment mettre à jour vos comptes sur les réseaux sociaux quand les paramètres changent. J’ai remarqué qu’avec des 851×315 PC, le rendu mobile n’est pas optimal (éléments manquants,). Quelqu’un aurait une solution pour que ces photos conservent leur résolution et soient entièrement visible dans la publication ? 1920×1080 doesn’t improve anything. If you’re thinking you can just use the cover photo from your regular Facebook page, think again. Découvrez le programme de formation au référencement le plus complet. Sur Facebook, le taux d’engagement est la clé pour obtenir une plus grande “portée” pour vos publications donc pour obtenir plus de visibilité auprès de vos abonnés et potentiellement bénéficier d’effets de viralité. • • • Create a Facebook cover photo for free NOW! Quels autres réglages puis-je faire ? La duration minimale est de 20 secondes et la maximale est de 90. A reader has done extensive testing and provides these suggestions: Just spent today experimenting with a few things, and honestly, 1200×675 or perhaps 1640×675 is still best bet. Access 500,000+ royalty-free stock photos right inside the app. Unfortunately FB changes things so often that their own info is often outdated. What are the dimensions for photos in Facebook Notes? Merci d’avance…, L’algo, mais je ne retrouve plus la source de cette « idée », Comment s’assurer que le visuel Cover picture PC s’adaptera à l’écran mobile ? The factor 2 do though. Putting this to numbers: If you were to adhere to the 820 x 312-pixel Facebook cover image dimensions for desktop, the equivalent mobile (16:9 ratios) viewing area of that image equates to about 555 x 312 pixels: If you upload a Facebook cover photo at 820 x 312 pixels, the center 555 x 312 pixels will be viewable on mobile. – Taille des photos rectangulaires d’une “image de lien” lorsqu’elle affichée sur une page : 484 x 252 pixels Facebook scales down your event cover photo to minimum dimensions of 470 x 174 pixels, which is the size of the image that shows up in the feed. Consultant SEO depuis 2003, j'ai une très grande expérience en audit et consulting.

You’ve clearly done a lot of testing and research.

You can also find constantly updated cover photo sizes for: | Facebook Personal Profile Cover Photo size. Merci, Bonjour Sofiane, pour les dimensions, vous pouvez reprendre celles présentées dans l’article qui sont à jour. Another thing to keep in mind: If you use a cover photo smaller than the recommended 1200 x 628 pixels, Facebook will enlarge it to fit. Selecting one of these options pre-loads an image into the cover photo spot. • 72/96/300dpi JPG all produced the same compressed result. • David’s 1640×675 produces the same result as 1200×675, but with different aspect ratio. Fb utilise le logo de mon site mais l’affiche tronqué. Évènement public : visible par tout le monde au sein et en dehors de Facebook. Pour optimiser votre compte Facebook ou votre page Facebook, je vous recommande vivement de télécharger votre photo de profil et votre photo de couverture au format JPEG. Merci. in order to upload a PNG to an event, the manager had to be a page. Really Good Post, face book is the marketing website to connect everyone, for advertisement also and customer share their experience Content, thanks for sharing with us…, April 30th 2017 did some tests on multiple devices and apps, Facebook’s event image headers crop dimensions, Event Page header image on desktop and some apps is full 1920 x 1080 / 16:9 image, News Feed image across multiple apps crops top and bottom off to roughly 1920 x 1000 (I was measuring 1002 once scaled but 1000 seems more likely), Groups App seems to crop into the side in at 1757 x 738. So the “Event cover” photo is now nothing like a Page cover, and is closer to mobile. Thank you for your help! My images are compressed down to 66kb no matter what I do. I uploaded maximum image 1920×1080. Not sure how much text you have? Consultez le tutoriel pour augmenter votre visibilité sur Facebook I strongly recommend you use a larger photo! The dimensions of the photo created by facebook are 2048×1536. YW! même s’il est possible d’envoyer des images rectangulaires (le format paysage Instagram est 1080 x 566), c’est déconseillé car elles auront moins de visibilité, Il est conseillé d’uploader une photo de 1080 x 1080, Photo en lightbox : 2048 x 2048 maximum (mais seulement 612 x 612 si la photo est uploadée depuis l’appareil photo du téléphone sans utiliser l’appli Instagram). News Feed image across multiple apps crops top and bottom off to roughly 1920 x 1000. Another thing to keep in mind: If you use a cover photo smaller than the recommended 1200 x 628 pixels, Facebook will enlarge it to fit. I honestly can’t keep up with all the FB changes, and how things look on multiple devices.

You don’t explain why you suggest making an image larger than Facebook displays it. Please share if these updated tips helped you with the correct Facebook event image size! Horizontally-shot video is also this 16:9 proportion. For those who really want to stand out, Facebook now allows the use of videos in place of an event cover photo. There’s even one in your Photos app! The basic size is 1920 x 1080. Many businesses fail to add a cover photo description when in fact, this is an excellent spot to highlight and support your Page’s call-to-action.

The app has preset sizes and one of the is 16:9 but when I upload it to Facebook, it chops the ends off. If you’re on desktop and want to see what your event, page, or profile looks like on mobile, just replace the “www.” in the URL before with an “m.” Voila! Or do you prefer to keep file sizes small? Here are the best sizes for sharing images on face book event this blog is very quite helpful for me and thanks for sharing the info. En 2019, votre photo de profil sur Facebook s’affiche dans un format arrondi. Thanks to Rombout Versluijs for giving the correct dimensions! I find all this facebook sizing so difficult. Thanks for letting us know. Bonjour, Download your cover photo as a web-optimized JPG, high-res PNG, Retina JPG, or Retina PNG. I don’t doubt your information. Bonjour, First, save this post to Pinterest: Click here to repin. Les excellentes infographies de John Loomer, Makeawebsitehub, MainStreetHost, Spredfast, SocialMediaWeek résument les dimensions exactes des photos et images sur les profils et pages Facebook : taille de la photo de couverture, taille de la photo de profil, dimension des photos, vidéos, liens partagés sur le mur de votre page sur la version bureau de Facebook et sur mobile… And the aspect ratio is hard to design with. You don’t have to keep up with every change Facebook makes to event image sizes.

1920×1080 works well except for the overlay thumbnail in “events” section > “upcoming events”.

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